I'm Back, Baby!
So, it's been a minute... or, a million... but I'm back. I bought a place and moved to Brooklyn, I got married, work got crazy and somehow months passed and here we are. But I am back and changing things up on the blog a bit. In the past, my personal style blog and photos of my outfits were the main feature, and although I am proud of those posts, I realized, as personal stylist, that my posts were showing one style on one body type and were promoting a lifestyle of constant consumerism that I no longer want to promote. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE shopping, I live for it, but how I structure my shopping and how I advocate for my clients to structure theirs is very different than the message portrayed by a blog that shows new outfits every week.
Let's put it this way, when I work with a personal client, my job isn't to tell them how I dress or that they need to buy all new clothes every season, my job is to take their clothing, their taste, and their attitude and mix it with my knowledge of the market to create looks that are authentic to them but relevant to the changing tide of trends. It involves taking their existing pieces and adding a few key items each season to freshen up what is already working. It is with this spirit that I take the blog forward. I want you to know what I am buying but also, additional options that may better suit your body, your style, and your life. I want to talk about the tips and tricks that my clients ask me all the time. I want the blog to be a source of knowledge and place where you can compare items before you step foot in a store and get advice on where best to spend your hard earned dollars. So in the spirit of evolution, I take the blog into it's next chapter. Check back often to see stories that will hopefully keep you informed and feeling great in your own skin.